Research and Experiential Course Form

Welcome to the Research and Experiential Course Form (REC) launch page.

Effective Dec. 7, 2023, the REC Form has been migrated to Kuali Build.

This form is designed to allow departments to add and revise research and experiential courses in accordance with the Scholastic Standards Committee’s proposal on Defining and Renumbering Research and Experiential Courses endorsed by the University Senate on Oct. 7, 2019. The purpose of the form is to allow departments to submit these requests in an expedited fashion, subject to the following conditions:


Proposals will be subject to existing course catalog deadlines and corresponding effective dates. For details, see the Effective Dates page.

New Research and Experiential Courses

New courses will be created as requested by departments, and the Senate’s motion authorizes the Office of the Registrar to create these courses without additional approvals. The Office of the Registrar reserves the right to make any necessary editorial changes to catalog copy.

Revising Research and Experiential Courses

Revisions to existing research and experiential courses will be limited to the following characteristics: course number, course title, and course description. All other revisions must be proposed through the University Senate’s Course Action Request Form.

Scope of Acceptable Requests

The determination of whether a proposal constitutes an appropriate use of this form will be left to the discretion of the Office of the Registrar. Proposals determined to be inappropriate for this form will be referred to the chairperson of the Senate Curricula and Courses Committee.

Course Numbering Guidelines

Course numbers will be determined based on criteria set by the Scholastic Standards Committee. For more information, see the Course Numbering System page or refer to the committee’s motion.

If you have any questions, please contact